Lab Wars production update and COMPETITION!
This will be short and sweet! Lab Wars Production Update We have officially paid the manufacturer the deposit for the game and the few...
Top ten new games we played over Summer!
Our run down of our top ten new games we’ve played over the summer In between working on Lab Wars we ensured that we had time to do one...
Best board games for young children – A reddit survey
We were recently discussing which board game to get our niece. She’s recently got interested in board games as a way of socialising with...
6 tips we were given playtesting in LA
So welcome to the first post from team Lab Wars from 2016! Let's get down to it: A few days ago we had the pleasure of playtesting...
Top 6 games we played over christmas
Hey guys! We hope you had a great Christmas holiday! We wanted to discuss our favourite 6 games we played over Christmas and tell you...
5 things we learned at Dragonmeet - the first public demo of Lab Wars.
Yep, that's right we went public with Lab Wars!. PLUS, This was our first board game convention, EVER. We met some amazing people, and...