About us
Hi! We're Caezar and Kuly! We designed the game and really happy you could join us in our adventure to fund Lab Wars on kickstarter!
Why Lab Wars?
We've played board games for many many years but found that there was nothing out there that represented the fun and wacky aspects of scientific research. The game was originally inspired by the book "The Secret Anarchy of Science" by Michael Brooks and our own personal experiences. Being a difficult and laborious industry, some famous and/or dodgy scientists have often led to underhanded tactics to get ahead of their peers. Using this as the driving force we decided that we should create a game around this concept so that players could be devious against one another with a science theme.
So while on holiday in Spain the summer of 2015 we came up with the original concept of Lab Wars. We immediately soruced card, pens and scissors so that we could playtest it and pretty much spent our entire holiday playing it for hours trying to perfect it.
We purposefully made the game with non-scientists in mind and have playtested it for many many hours with people who are not familiar with science. We feel we have created a game that is fun, unique with mechanisms that allow replayability. We are currently in the final playtesting phase and gearing up for conventions and eventually kickstarter. In the mean time follow us on twitter or even drop us a line and say hello!

Caezar Al-Jassar, Ph.D
Having grown up in Bristol , UK for most of my life I've always been an avid board gamer. I've been fanatical about Warhammer 40k from the age of 10, Magic The Gathering from 12, various video games and until my mid twenties and then reintroduced into proper board games in my mid-late twenties. My favourite board games are Zombicide, Rivals for Catan, Citadels, Battle Line and Lost Cities, amongst many many others. I got my B.Sc from Cardiff University in Pharmacology and my Ph.D from Birmingham University in molecular and structural biology. Right now I am fortunate enough to be working at the prestigious Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge as a postdoctoral fellow. In my spare time I spend most of it co-designing and preparing Lab Wars but also squeeze in socialising with friends too :)
Nizar Ilman
Principle illustrator
I am Nizar Ilman from Indonsia. I love illustrating, because it makes me feel happy and free to realize my potential of using my imagination to illustrate. I especially enjoy designing characters. For me, illustrating isn't a job it's a passion and a love.
Nizar was chosen as the play tester's favourite illustrator out of a choice of 6 artists.

Kuly Heer, Ph.D
I grew up in the midlands, UK. I too have been a gamer at heart since I was a little girl. I used to play Risk, and various obscure cards games with my grandad which were passed down the generations. I also used to love playing the Sega Mega Drive with my older brothers often being just as good as them! Recently in my late twenties I've been introduced to the amazing world of board games. My favourite games are Eldritch Horror, Settlers of Catan, Citadels, Love Letter and Jaipur, I also love to play challenging puzzle games on my tablet such as The Room and Myst. I received my B.Sc in Psychology from Aston University and my Ph.D in Psychology from Birmingham University. Right now I am studying for my second doctorate, this time as a clinical psychologist. In my spare time away from co-designing Lab Wars and socialising with friends I like to read books and watch movies. I'm also a massive cat lover and have started to design a cat themed game!
Crimzon Studio
Graphic Designers
Crimzon Studio based in Mumbai India have been involoved with numerous successfully funded board game projects on Kickstarter. Such projects inluded Storm the castle, last starfleet and Tanks of War. Crimzon Studio's attention to detail will ensure that Lab Wars will have beautifully designed cards you'll keep wanting to look at.